====== Installing Tellstick Linux Drivers ====== In order for NetHome to be able to communicate with the Tellstick transceiver, you must configure drivers that make the Tellstick appear as a serial-port. These drivers are available in Linux kernel, but since the Tellstick device has its own product id, we must configure Linux so it also accepts this id as a serial port. These instructions work for Debian based Linux like Ubuntu or Raspbian. A configuration file that configures this is available in the NetHome-release under the drivers\linux\ftdi. ===== Installation steps ===== 1. Copy the rules file and reload the rules: sudo cp /drivers/linux/ftdi/98-nethome.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules 2. Plug in the Tellstick. If you run dmesg, you should see that it has found the Tellstick and installed it as a serial port. dmesg