
This module is a part of the NetHomeServer. The DayLiteTimer is a week timer where you can configure multiple periods for each day of the week.

For each day of the week, you can specify multiple times when the connected lamp shall be activated like:


You can also refer to sunrise [R] or sunset [S] like:


where [S-00:30] means 30 minutes before sunset.

It is also possible to specify a time interval, where the timer will take a random time within the interval:


meaning the lamp will turn on sometime between 15:00 and 17:00 and turn off sometime between 22:00 and 23:20.

It is also possible to combine all:


meaning that the lamp will turn on sometimes between 06:30 and 07:00 and turn off between 08:00 and 09:00 or at one hour after sunrise, whichever comes first. If one hour after sunrise occurs before the start time, the lamp will not turn on at all.



See also
