{{:gauge64.png|Gauge Item}} ====== UPMRainfall ====== This module is a part of the [[start|NetHomeServer]]. The UPMRainfall item presents information from the UPM weather station sensors. The weather station sensors sends the measured values as radio message, so the UPMRainfall requires an RF receiver and an interface port which can receive UPM-messages from a receiver, for example an [[AudioProtocolReceiver]]. An example on a suitable RF receiver is described in the page [[modupm|Modifying UPM Base unit]]. Note that the weather station itself is not really needed, only the sensor in question. ===== Attributes ===== * **Rainfall** //[get]// Total rain fall in mm * **RainfallToday** //[get]// Rain fall today in mm * **BatteryStatus** //[get]// "Ok" or "Low Battery" * **LogFile** //[get] [set]// File name of file to log values in * **LastUpdate** //[get]// Time of latest received update ===== Author ===== Fredric Moestedt ==== See also ==== [[start|NetHomeServer]]