This module is a part of the NetHomeServer. The UPMHygrometer receives UPM-messages and decodes the moisture value. The UPMThermometer requires an interface port which can receive UPM-messages from a receiver, for example an AudioProtocolParser.
- Humidity [get] The actual humidity in %
- BatteryStatus [get] Status of the battery in the wireless sensor (Ok or Bad)
- HouseCode [get] [set] House code part of the address of the sensor
- DeviceCode [get] [set] Device code part of the address of the sensor
- LogFile [get] [set] Optional name (and path) of a file where measured values are stored once every 15 minutes.
- LastUpdate [get] Time of the latest update received from the sensor. Normally the sensor sends an update once a minute.
- K [get] [set] Conversion constant used to calibrate. Normally set to 0.5
- M [get] [set] Conversion constant used to calibrate. This value is added to the measured value. Normally set to 0
See also
upmhygrometer.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/03 02:59 by