Item Index
The NetHomeServer is built by separate modules called Items. A typical Item would be a lamp. A lamp Item has functions (presented as buttons in the WEB) for things like On, Off, Dim and so on. The Items also has configuration fields called attributes. A typical attribute is the name of the Item or the House Code and Device Code of the X10 switch which controls the lamp.
The Items are browsed, created and deleted via the WEB-GUI, and this is the way NetHomeServer is configured.
This is a list of some of the Items currently available for the NetHomeServer. All Items are not documented yet.
Pronto Codes
- ProntoLamp Can send on / off commands as pronto codes
- GenericProntoCommander Can be configured with commands which are sent as Pronto codes
- AudioProtocolTransmitter General protocol transmitter using the audio output of the PC to send RF-signals and can send Pronto codes
- CULTransceiver RF Transmitter which can send Pronto codes
X10 System
- X10Lamp Controls a dimmer or a switch
- X10RemapButton Lets you control other Items with a X10-switch
- X10HouseScene Controls the AllOn, AllOff functions for a HouseCode
- X10Port Controls the connection with the X10-Interface unit to the PC
FS20 System
- FS20Lamp Controls switches and Dimmers
- FS20RemapButton Lets you control other Items with a FS20-switch
- fhz1000pcport Connects with the hardware interface module
Nexa System
- NexaLamp Controls a dimmer or a switch
- NexaRemapButton Lets you control other Items with a Nexa-switch
- AudioProtocolParser General protocol receiver using the microphone input, used to receive Nexa radio signals
- AudioProtocolTransmitter General protocol transmitter using the audio output of the PC to send RF-signal and control Nexa switches
- CULTransceiver RF Transmitter which can send Nexa commands
Deltronic System
- DeltronicLamp Controls a dimmer or a switch
- DeltronicRemapButton Lets you control other Items with a X10-switch
- AudioProtocolParser General protocol receiver using the microphone input, used to receive Deltronic radio signals
- AudioProtocolTransmitter General protocol transmitter using the audio output of the PC to send RF-signal and control Deltornic switches
- CULTransceiver RF Transmitter which can send Deltronic commands
IP Ports
- TCPListener Receives TCP-Messages
- TCPCommandPort Allows Telnet (TCP/IP)-access to the Items and their actions
- UDPListener Receives UDP-Messages
- UDPCommandPort Allows UDP-access to the Items and their actions
- SoapService Allows SOAP-access to the Items and their actions
- GateKeeper Listens for IP-messages and activates functions for a specified time
- TCPProxy Receives TCP-Messages and resends them to another address
- IntervalTimer Starts an action for a specified time and then stops it
- WeekTimer Starts and stops actions on a week schedule
- UPMThermometer Receives thermometer values from the UPM-system
- UPMHygrometer Receives hygrometer values from the UPM-system
- LmSensorsThermometer Reads PC Motherboard thermometers (for Linux)
- MBMThermometer Reads PC Motherboard thermometers (for Windows)
- LmSensorsFan Reads PC Motherboard fan RPM (for Linux)
- UPMRainfall Measures rain from an UPM rain sensor
- UPMWindDirection Presents wind direction from an UPM wind sensor
- UPMWindSpeed Presents wind speed from an UPM wind sensor
- WAPService WEB-GUI made for mobile devices, controls lamps and thermometers
- Room Organizes Items in rooms * Scene Executes a set of commands to for example set up a scene of light in a room * ValueLogger Logs the values of an item to a file * SlimRemote Controls a Slim Server (a music player) * ValueAlarm Generates an alarm when a value exceeds a specified limit TellstickDuo
nethomeservermodules.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/03 02:59 by